carbohydrates, bread, sourdough, toast, diets,
It is about how you manage your carb consumption

how Do we Eat them for effective weight Minding?

Carbs so misunderstood aren’t they, so how do we blend them into a day’s mindful eating?

What would be most helpful for you to begin to educate yourself? Eat carbs without shame, guilt or even fear?

the stories

In the past, I have been eating out and feeling guilty myself because I ate dessert or pasta. That was not a cool period in my life.

I do not have a “I swallowed laxatives or threw up” story for you. It still stressed me out though.

I was trying to control outcomes with my weight. Denying myself something tasty and nutritious just so as I could be in a smaller body aka DIET!!!

Start practising with mindfully eating carbs is simply to understand how you would put each meal into a day’s eating.

SMART carb Recipe Suggestion right here

I have attached an educational pdf sample day for you, which has a breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack idea. 
The sample is educational. The carb content and the tracking labels are still there. You can see for yourself about how you would mindfully add carbs in and take them out. 

If you look at the courgette (zucchini) burgers you can see the carb content is 39g however, due to them being high in fibre, the effect on blood sugar levels will be balanced as opposed to a sandwich with a heavy filling.

You would balance out your dinner time by perhaps having something lower in carbs like the turkey meatballs. 

The breakfast muffin can also be eaten as a snack, if you did not want to have the healthy apple cake. 

Starting with practising high carb low carb options mindfully, will allow you space to begin learning about what is most helpful to you. Not all carbs are made equal and even although a head of broccoli is carbs we would never count it because most people do not eat vegetables anywhere near enough ever for me to say “too much broccoli doll!”.

Once we practice this we can move on to medium to medium carb meals and snacks. Allowing you stop yo-yoing with your food from deprivation to overindulgence. 

Have a wee go at this after having a look at the sample I have sent you with your own daily meals. Write down whether what you had planned was high or low carb. Perhaps you could tweak something here and there to balance it out a bit more. 

Have a wee study of it here contact me if you have any questions at all, about how you could start balancing out your food mindfully to help you maintain a stable weight. Try those recipes out. They are amazing!

Have a fantastic week, speak soon.


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