Just start where you can be you with fitness female fat loss


Getting you into fat burning mode, losing fat with this beginners metabolic conditioning workout. The “conditioning” word being key.

People don’t really see the fat burning results they are looking for when the work continually out of “oxygen debt” you’ve probably saw people who go to classes all of the time but never seem to change their composition. What we want is your body to use carbohydrate to act as a “fire lighter” igniting fat burning. Metabolic conditioning can do this for you.

Combined with a healthy diet and a mindful existence, this type of conditioning is very good for you.

Caveat below v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v

This is a link to the above beginners workout to help ease somebody, not completely new to exercising – wishing to do a little bit more.

We’ll do 5 exercises here together over 3 rounds with 30 seconds on and 10 seconds off.

Do the default option that suits you. So if it is on your knees etc. so be it. We don’t want your metabolism becoming overly stressed.

Remember you are building up your endurance. You may take a bit of time to do this, so be kind to yourself. It took me a while to build my fitness back up after the pandemic. I had to be patient and not get frustrated. I am fit for my age and intend to stay this way.


Work out smarter. Do not stress!!

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