The Pros & Cons Of Working Out With Lighter Weights

I have worked out with lighter weights forever. Apart from the pandemic and just before group fitness opened up again, I did go to the gym and lift heavier. What was surprising was, I could actually lift the heavier weights pretty well. It took me a wee minute to get back into it, but there was a realisation that the lighter weights with lots more reps provided a neat spring board into heavier lifting.

Thing is, as soon as classes opened up again, I was back in them. I talk about personal preferences constantly. Lighter weights with more reps, is me. I feel fit and my body tells me so.

There has not been many times that I have not worked out in my life, but the pandemic was a time when I did slow down. I felt it coming back but still, just took my time until I felt as fit as I did. A couple of years later back on the lighter weights, all good. I did add more yoga into my life for greater flexibility. Again I have had surprising results there too, in so much that, my ability to sustain planks and hovers has increased. More mountain climbers anyone lol?

What are the pros of working out with lighter weights?

Well, in this study about working out with lighter weights the key points to see results

For hypertrophy and body composition, it doesn’t seem to matter how much weight a lifter uses, as long as three conditions are met

  • (1)As long as the load is at least 30% of what you could lift – if you could only do one rep.
  • (2)The volume of workouts (load x sets x reps x sessions) needs to be around the same as what someone else would do in a gym.
  • For me personally, e.g. I teach Body Pump (as many of you know) and so the rep effect from Body Pump would probably be equal to what I might do in the gym, if I were lifting heavy weights. I try to make sure that I feel the burn, heat, get breathless and keep moving forward when I feel strong. And so, I am considering the volume of workouts with the 30% RM rule on the first item above.
  • Two classes per week for me. Results wise, as a post menopausal female, my body composition is roughly the same as it always is. I feel fit and healthy. Which is what weight minding is all about:)) A healthier lifestyle.
  • (3)You need to go to concentric failure (like you could not do another rep) Body Pump can absolutely do this.

What are the cons of working out with lighter weights

  • The lighter the load, the greater the effort to get results. But, if you are putting in the reps and listening to your body. You will see results.
  • Where you have any weaknesses or imbalances in your own chain of movement, it tends to show up when you work faster with higher reps.
  • If you do not progressively overload your workouts, nothing much is going to happen. Hence the 30% statement above. At some point, you will have to go heavier than 2 water bottles.

Extra Bonuses Working Out With Lighter Weights

  • I like this weight minding tip. Glycemic control. Muscles take in about 80% of glucose that enters your bloodstream. There it is converted into glycogen and stored in its “locker” until required. That advantage of using light to moderate weights means more reps. More muscle contractions. More glycogen used. The more it needs to be replaced.


If you are using lighter weights, chances are that you are not really wanting to have massively substantial strength gains. Perhaps like someone who is bench press 80/90% to 1RM.

More importantly, you are probably someone just like me, who wants a carry over into everyday life.

Here is a strength workout that you can do with dumbbells. When you reach concentric failure (as above) rest, recover and start again.

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