
Helen Lavery

“Procrastination was the name of the game for me!

Linda did an amazing job coaching and supporting me to help me come to my own conclusion on why I was procrastinating so much about sitting my fitness exams.  With her help she enabled me to take the ‘bull by the horns’ and instead of procrastinating I sat and passed those exams.

Linda is a fantastic coach with loads of experience, particularly in the coaching, fitness and nutrition space, so I have no hesitation in recommending her.  Thank you so much for all your help – I couldn’t have done it without you!”

Juliet Welsh

“Health, fitness and nutrition information which got me engaged and interested in improving my body. To get fitter and stronger. In the longer-term help with how I was work; feeling inside about myself so also holistic information about the mind and body.

Results! Where do I start!?! A stronger body, a healthier body, a better self-esteem, a belief in myself. I am a stronger person because of Linda, she helped me believe in myself and ultimately helped me out my black hole. I would not be where I am right now without her help and support. I am now a more confidant woman and wholly independent woman.

Things that were wrong, well I wasn’t independent before, I had no confidence to make my own decisions. I had no confidence! I am now living the life I was supposed to live without any other person controlling me. I own my own home, am the sole carer of my boys and have 2 jobs to support them.

I have been a secondary teacher about 16 years but I am better at my job now. I can attend training sessions or in service days where I need to talk with my peers and have no anxiety anymore. I can confidently contribute, take my time and talk. I could not do that before.

I am now a group fitness instructor!! I teach 2 different programmes & work for 2 leisure companies. I never would have dreamed of that! Leading 20 odd people for an hour to help them smile and get further to their fitness goals! It is truly awesome!!!

Thank you Linda Allison forever in your debt.”

Jeanette McManus

“You were the instructor at the first Body Pump class I came to.

I was working full time in a fairly stressful job, exercising when I could, mainly jogging and swimming.  Two grown up children with one living at home.

I really like your work. It’s easy for me to understand and relate to. Reading your stuff focuses me on living the best life I can. It has also opened up other areas of personal development for me that I would never previously have considered.

What are the specific results you’ve gotten from my stuff?

I firmly believe that I am not a typical 59-year-old and I don’t worry at all about that. I am fitter, healthier and happier that I have ever been and I know the support I get from you will keep me in that amazing place for a long time. 

There have been some massive changes in my life over the course of the last few years. I no longer work. My parents need a lot of support that they never needed before. I have two grandchildren who I am very actively involved with. My husband, one of the fittest men I know, had a heart attack. All of this, and more, has challenged and changed me. Being able to keep myself in the best possible place means I have come, and am coming, through all of this relatively unscathed. The help and advice I get from you has been a great support for me. It makes me think about me and the things I need to do to look after myself. It’s a whole different way of thinking about things for me and a very positive thing in my life. Thank you.”

Karen McKeown

“I had been through a tough few years personally losing a partner to cancer and I ate my feelings and pushed on and to be honest had resigned myself to being overweight for the rest of my days. I came across Linda’s programme on FB and thought why not – I needed to look at my life as a whole not just got the gym a few times and week and hope for the best and I hoped that having the catch up weekly would keep me motivated – which it did.

Linda is such a lovely person and really helped when I had bad days and helped me put things in perspective personally and on the eating plan, whereas before I would have a day off plan and I would give up for the week or longer. She helped me get out that diet and deprivation mindset and into a healthy eating and it’s ok to have treats or special occasions without throwing in the towel.

Throughout the 60 days I’ve had Christmas Nights out and Afternoon teas, I’m not able to eat the amount of sweet stuff I used to but can still have bites of my favourite things and don’t feel like I’m missing out.


Waist: loss of 5 inch

Hips: loss of 2 inch

Chest: loss of 3 inch

Weight loss: 13lbs

I’m not done yet and have a bit to go but I can’t wait to continue my journey and continue gaining confidence.”

“I would highly recommend Linda’s work; you are an inspairation and an amazing warm loving person.

Thank you so much, I am so grateful.”

Shirley Anderson

“When I started working with Linda, I was not in a very good place diet wise!! I had the dieter mentality affliction myself. I just felt like a round and tubby person. I counted calories and had daily habits that kept me at a stalemate weight wise. Linda taught me to ditch the DIET and to listen to what my body was telling me and fuel to that rather than counting calories (I didn’t think I would be able to do this as I had almost 15 years off counting calories) I soon realised that I was not eating properly for my body or my job. As a result, the weekly check in and the GREAT AND AMAZING hit home and I started to lose the stubborn inches that I craved. I haven’t weighed myself but I am so much comfier and happy within myself. I have get up and go that had gone! I sleep better and don’t have midnight snacks. I’m so pleased I worked with Linda for nutrition and can’t wait to work with her again.”

Jade Nobile

“Thank you for all your help, from starting the six weeks (a lot longer lol) with yourself. When I started, I was overwhelmed with all diets have tried every one of them and I think and was mixing them all up not sure how to do any of them doing a part here and there.

Fast forward to the end of your course and I was feeling relaxed and in control of what I am eating and doing. I am confident I can keep to this life choice I know there will be ups and downs but I have the right mentality to get through it. I will always keep in my mind the test night when I went out with friends, went for food and quite a lot of drinks, I prepared by eating before I went out and stayed in control of what I was drinking, friends were commenting with what’s wrong with you tonight? Are you okay? My reply has been working on improving myself and I’m a changed girl.  I was happy that I was able to stay in control and say no when I really wasn’t wanting it. 

Many thanks for all your help.”

Susan Proudfoot

“Good morning beautiful ?. Feeling happy with myself but also a div lol, said I didn’t lose any inches but my waist Is down to 30-inch ? (I thought that was the same as last week) but last measurement I wrote down was 33 inches so definitely lost? ??.  Feeling really happy with how my body feels and looks, and definitely in control of monkey brain ?❤ ? so happy Linda thank you ???”

Michelle Touray

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