Reducing your risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes is a sensible decision.

The Research

A new paper published this month in The Lancet Diabetes and ­Endocrinology journal provided a stark warning as experts predict a BILLION people will get devastating illness by 2050

For the UK right now

  1. there are more than five million cases of diabetes.

2. Earlier this year, Diabetes UK analysis showed 4.3 million people have been diagnosed with the condition and an estimated 850,000 are living with it but have not yet been formally diagnosed.

3. About nine in 10 cases of diabetes in the UK are type 2 diabetes, linked to unhealthy lifestyles.

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How to eat healthy forever

Type 2 diabetes is caused by problems with a chemical in the body (hormone) called insulin. It’s often linked to being overweight or inactive, and or having a family history of type 2 diabetes.

What is Weightminding?

Weight Minding means you are mindful of managing a healthy weight via a good nutritional profile, exercising and being kind and compassionate to yourself and others around you.

It can be used to help you have a healthier lifestyle by, improving your relationship with food and nutrition, being more active and more mindful about the need to go down the diet route in desperation.

Let us defeat dieting and do this through nutritional rehabilitation, finding movement you love that is effective at burning fat and improving your overall fitness. Changing your behaviour by setting goals you can achieve within your own lifestyle and make life about health span.

I say it all of the time, I know a lot of people who lived/are living until later on in life but they have no quality of life. My mission is to make our health span last beyond our teens. It does take having a healthier lifestyle. If you are willing to put some skin in the game, I have the transformational tools helping you over time to:

  • Drop A Dress Size
  • Become More Active
  • Feel nourished
  • Balance Your Energy
  • Improve Your Health Span
  • Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Disease
  • Fight Frailty

I’ll coach you right here on this blog using the Weight Loss Academy’s Fat Loss Formula. Beating obesity.

This formula below is based on Government guidelines:

The Formula

  • Reducing consumption of carbs – not no carbs. Smart carbs.
  • Reducing the number of processed foods and added sugars
  • Including wholegrain carbs, lean meats, fish, full fat dairy, healthy fats, fruit and vegetables
  • The inclusion of 2-3 healthy snacks per day
  • An 80:20 approach to eating based on biofeedback across the week
  • Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Moving every – doing what you enjoy.

We are on a mission right!

Try this recipe for a tasty lower carb breakfast muffins

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