My Story

I am so pleased to have you swing by here

It is easy to see that I absolutely love food and nutrition, exercise and mindfulness. If you find yourself on any of my social media platforms, you will see just how much I do love these 3 topics. To me, they are a very special trinity.

Nearly every day I am creating colourful tasty recipes from the food I buy. My husband James has been told on several occasions, just how spoiled he is ha!

He always does the dishes though and there can be quite a lot, even although there is only two of us.  I remember thinking to myself when I got married over 30 years ago, that I would be the best cook I could be, a mindful one at that.


Before working on myself first, I was a struggling under eater and over exerciser. After losing weight on diets, I feared putting any weight on at all. I was struggling like you.

“Having lost weight successfully, on  diets run by big fitness, I got so scared I would become fat, if I deviated from their plan”. Mrs A

I have been active forever, and in 2009 I did my exercise to music qualification; I also trained  (insert picture to right) as a PT, nutritional coach and teach Pilates. I am still teaching and coaching movement and exercise (there is a difference).

During the pandemic I completed the Internationally recognised Animas transformational coaching diploma.

My first degree is a BA(hons) in business. I have been a successful brick and mortar entrepreneur for 20+ years.  I have also gone back to uni, to complete a taught Post Graduate MSc Clinical Nutrition.

I love cooking!

For years, I denied myself the enjoyment of the lovely food I cooked up for everyone else.  Feelings of guilt and fear of putting weight on would make sure I never got to enjoy my creations. I was always thinking that it needed to be hard in order to achieve results. I was exhausted, staring at the walls for hours until I recovered enough.

This went on for years, have a listen in!

Podcast Number One


Quitting deprivation and over exercising (very addictive and hard to stop) focusing more and more on moderate eating, lifting weights, mindfulness and habit changes e.g. 80/20 rule as applied to food, all of the introspective work I have concentrated on, got me back on top.

These lifestyle changes, getting over stupid fears with absolutely no basis whatsoever, I became mindful and present with my food once again. I am loving eating healthy nourishing whole high fibre foods that are making me look and feel great.

It is because of what I have experienced I know I can reach out to you too. Whether you have been eating more and exercising less, or eating less and exercising more, when you embark on getting healthier from the inside out first you can really be your own mind weight minder without the stress that dieting brings along with it.

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