When The Scale Weight Doesn’t Change! And You Feel You’ve Tried Really Hard

Red apple on blue weighing scale

It can make you feel so despondent. There you are congratulating yourself at being so good, step on the scales and bam!! The scale weight hasn’t budged, or worse, may have even gone up! 

Your plans ruined, because you have now decided you are fat and not good enough and you won’t ever be. If you do go out (reluctantly), you’ll be comparing yourself to everyone else and they’ll all be “thinner” than you. 

No photos taken.


Scales are not the best indicators of total weight per se, especially fat distribution, but I get it. If you struggle with weight fluctuations, I know it feels good to look down and see yourself as “lighter.” 

Stepping on those scales for a bit of security can be a big draw. A powerful magnate. Especially for events. It takes a while to change a habit and behaviour such as daily or weekly weighing. You have to build confidence first.

For example, during the summer months, what with holidays at home and away, being lighter for the holidays has always been a thing. So many people are on horrendously named diets like “no carbs before Marbs,” ridiculous I know, but this is what we are up against. This type of behaviour is what will always keep your weight yo-yo ing back and forth.


Most of the time (90%) I use my own bio individuality to mind my weight.


I know that these markers are the main indicators of how my metabolism is adapting to life as it is happening at any moment in time. When I am tuned in here and something feels out of kilter, I can adapt my nutrition, exercise and recovery to mindfully tweak my own metabolism. 

We all have very different personalities, psychology, physiology, personal and practical circumstances. That is why cookie cutter approaches like big diet brands provide have terrible track records. Especially in keep the weight off for good. 

I have had to practice moderation. All food overindulgences start because of deprivation. I’ve been there. Starve yourself all day for a meal out at night and you end up stuffed and uncomfortable. The waistline of your clothing undone! 


At the start I was not very trusting of myself and still overdid the cardio and had the scales out. My energy was low, and I did not have the drive for all the other stuff I wanted to do with my life. I was not listening to my body telling me it was exhausted. 

Before you start changing your habits, building confidence in your own ability to mind your weight, here is some reasons why those scales have not moved:

What Influences Weight Change? 

One of the most effective ways to reduce the fear or apprehension toward weight change is to highlight the factors, outside of actual fat loss/gain that can influence it.

Water & Waste Retention 

This is definitely one of the main culprits. You will weigh yourself on Monday morning after a busy and indulgent weekend, only to find you’ve have added 1-2 lbs. (or more) of weight. However, if you did not adequately hydrate, consumed a little more salt than usual, these can both lead to the retention of water. You may be constipated. This will increase weight, but it is not permanent weight. 

Let’s look at some additional progress markers! 

How are you feeling? 

Energy and fatigue reduction are a common sign that your nutrition is improving. How do you feel in the morning getting out of bed? Do you have energy throughout the day? How do you feel at work? 

How are your fitness levels? 

Cardiorespiratory fitness is a very common indicator of an effective nutrition regimen. Is that five-kilometre run/walk getting easier? Are you squeezing out a couple more repetitions with the same weight you struggled with last month? 

Do you feel more recovered after a day of working out? 

How do your clothes fit? 

If you do feel that you’ve lost weight, but the scales aren’t reflecting this, this might be due to the reasons mentioned above. If you have gained muscle, then you’ll notice it in the mirror. But, if you’ve had a difficult week and your weight has increased, skip the mirror view, relax and remember tomorrow is a new opportunity!

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